The University of Murcia has organized this Thursday, May 17, a day to commemorate the beginning of the third millennium of Ovid, one of the greatest Latin poets in history and author of such emblematic works as "The art of love" or "Las metamorphosis.
Throughout the day there will be conferences, book presentations and theater performances, among others.
The morning session, centered on `The University of Murcia with Ovidio` will take place in the Rector Sabater building (Ronda de Levante, 10) and the afternoon session, which will be addressed by'Ovidio in Secondary Education', in the Concha theater Lavella (Campus de la Merced).
The inauguration of the day, which will take place at 10:30 am, will be the responsibility of the UMU's rector, José Luján Alcaraz.
The aim of these activities is to emphasize, through the poet of Sulmona, the extraordinary value of Classical Philology studies for their educational value, for the personal enrichment they bring and for their educational capacity, complementary to all other sciences.
The Ovidian day, in addition, will be attended by Professor Michael von Albrecht, the most distinguished ovidianist and one of the best connoisseurs of Latin literature, his dialogue with the Greek and his survival in Western culture.
Much of the teacher's work highlights Ovid's transcendence in philological research, as well as his inspiring role in literature and in the set of artistic disciplines.
Source: Universidad de Murcia