Las Claras Cultural Center hosts next Friday May 18 the conference 'Be a teacher of a foreign language in the inclusive school' that will be taught by Francisco Jáimez Ortiz, master specialist in English and creator and developer of the methodological approach 'MRMIC & G .XXI '.
This initiative has been organized thanks to the collaboration between the Association of dyslexia and other learning difficulties of the Region of Murcia and the Department of Education.
The start time will be at 7 pm and admission is free until full capacity is reached.
This conference aims to know the method 'MRMIC & G.XXI' and an integrative and inclusive, practical and effective model without labels, to identify that there is not a single learning, but global and diverse, to bring to the teaching staff a methodological approach of achievement and learn new answers to the challenges posed by learning difficulties and assessment without written tests.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia