The degrees to which the UCAM can be accessed from Higher Vocational Training are on the web ( in the section Graduated from Higher FP to University Degree.
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The students of Higher Vocational Training are in luck with the agreement signed between the Catholic University of Murcia and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports that extends the previous framework and offers new possibilities for access to the University through their degrees.
José Luis Mendoza, president of the UCAM, and Adela Martínez-Cachá, Minister of Education, have signed the new agreement that determines the degrees open to this possibility.
For the president of the UCAM it is a big step, especially for the students who are interested in opening that bridge between the FP and the University: "With this we recognize those qualifications and the quality of that training so that later they can study a career without having to spend four years in the University to obtain the degree.We are happy to give a service to a very important group that wants to continue studying and that has the right to do so ".
Adela Martínez-Cachá stressed the need for this agreement so that what titles and credits were included in the new framework were fixed and regulated: "The objective is to clearly establish which credits are validated from Vocational Training by jumping to The different university qualifications is a procedure that was already established but, as the different degrees are being changed by ANECA, new validations have to be established, which is very important when it comes to showing the offer of degrees that the students of higher vocational training have clear. the credits that are validated for the university degree ".
Degrees of the UCAM that can be accessed at the moment from Superior FP and that will be expanded thanks to the new agreement:
Degree in Science of Physical Activity and Sports
Degree in Food Science and Technology
Degree in Computer Engineering (face-to-face and online)
Degree in Early Childhood Education (face-to-face and blended)
Degree in Gastronomy
Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Degree in Tourism (face-to-face and online)
Degree of Telecommunications
Degree in Architecture
Degree in Building Engineering
Degree in Audiovisual Communication
Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources (blended)
Degree in Advertising and Public Relations
Degree in Occupational Therapy
Degree in Physiotherapy
Source: UCAM