Next Wednesday, May 16, at 5:30 p.m. will take place the mathematical conference 'Giuseppe Peano: the curve, the axioms and the universal symbolic language' in the Museum of Science and Water.
The conference will be given by Pedro José Herrero Piñeyro, from IES Ricardo Ortega, (Fuente Álamo).
This will be a tour of the contributions that has given the story Giuseppe Peano (Italy 1858-1932), known for its famous axioms on natural numbers and the surprising curve that bears his name and fills a flat area.
Other important contributions to which he devoted a great part of his life and his creative mathematical genius are less known: the search, through symbolic logic, of a universal mathematical language.
Peano owes part of the symbols that are used in current mathematics.
This edition, which belongs to the VI cycle of informative talks on the History of Mathematics, will be completed on May 23 with the conference 'Logarithms: the invention of artificial numbers' by the mathematician Domingo Martínez Verdú.
This event is organized by the group PiCuadrado of History of Mathematics, the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Murcia, the Museum of Science and Water and the Unit of Scientific Culture of the UMU.
Source: Universidad de Murcia