The City of Murcia, through the Service of Parks and Gardens of the Department of Modernization of the Administration and Urban Development, is carrying out the revision and anti-aphid treatment of more than 20,000 trees.
"Our goal is to treat different types of specimens such as jacarandas, tipuanas, robinias or rosales, always with expert professionals in this type of treatment and respectful with the environment", explains the mayor of Modernization of the Administration and Urban Development, José Guillén.
These works will be developed until the end of next June and will be carried out by two teams of two people through the different green areas of the municipality of Murcia.
This anti-aphid campaign is developed at the most appropriate time: the summer season.
In this way, different phytosanitary treatments are applied that allow the specimen to develop fully without being affected by the products at any time.
The copies are always treated at night to not pose any problem to the residents of the green areas of the municipality of Murcia.
This action is complemented with those already made by the concessionaire company STV Gestión and the City of Murcia with 'natural enemies' of these insects, known as the release of insects that eliminate those that do not benefit the health of the individuals.
In these cases the trees must have what is understood as a "balance" that allows a low level of pests but not non-existent, to achieve a proper environmental performance of the insect fauna of the municipality since they feed on these others
In this way, from the Department of Modernization is back to bet on the care and maintenance of each and every one of the copies that make up the alignments and green areas of the municipality of Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia