Councilor for Social Rights, Conchita Ruiz, collected last night the award that has been granted by the Spanish Federation of Associations of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus in its XVI National Conference, held in Alicante.
Thus, the VIII Institutional Awards Contest that FEBHI delivers its awards to those people, entities and professionals who have supported people with Spina Bifida or another disability.
One of the winners at the national level has been the Councilor for Social Rights and Development Cooperation of the City of Murcia, recognizing her "support for social causes in favor of the most disadvantaged groups, including people with Spina Bifida."
In the event, people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus (EBH), their families, managers and experts have shared their experiences and known the latest developments around this malformation.
We must remember that the City of Murcia maintains a long and close collaboration with the Murcian Association of Parents and Children with Spina Bifida (Amupheb) to promote and improve the quality of life of people with spina bifida and their families.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia