The University of Murcia will dedicate the day of this Saturday, May 12, to publicize the geological legacy of the Region through the Espinardo Campus.
With the help of more than twenty speakers and guides from the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain, the Marble Technological Center and the UMU, coordinated by the UMU geologist, Francisco Guillén Mondéjar, attendees can learn about the rich geological diversity of the campus along a route with a total of ten stops.
For this, basic knowledge of many of the geological disciplines such as hydrogeology, environmental geology, geotechnics, sedimentology, paleontology, petrology or mineralogy, among others, will be used.
During the tour, which will start at 9:30 am in the parking lot of the University Social Center, attendees will be shown the importance of teaching geology at all educational levels and creating a vocation among students to study this science.
Participation is free with a maximum capacity of 250 participants.
It is necessary to register at The route is suitable for all audiences, mostly by asphalted areas.
It is recommended to bring suitable clothes and shoes to walk, water and a hat.
This event is part of the Geolodía activity, an event coordinated by the Geological Society of Spain, which takes place throughout the country on May 12 and 13, and which this year has the motto 'Mira lo pisas'.
In 2017, almost 9,000 people and more than 500 volunteers participated in Geolodía.
55 provinces and Andorra have joined this year to bring geology to all audiences and demonstrate that it is a useful science for society.
In this activity, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME), REPSOL, the Spanish Association for the Teaching of Earth Sciences (AEPECT), and also Murcia the Murcia Project Office of the IGME, the Marble, Stone and Materials Technology Center and the Integra Foundation have joined together.
Source: Universidad de Murcia