Some 450 people will be able to demonstrate their talent in the 11 instruments installed in six central squares of the city.
In addition, this year there will be performances next to the pianos.
The culmination of the day will be the evening concert by 24 professional pianists who participate in the IV Clamo International Piano Competition Region of Murcia.
Eleven pianos, about 450 interpreters, six central squares and twelve hours of uninterrupted classical music.
The third edition of 'Pianos on the Street' is consolidated with a full program full of new features that will fill the main squares of the city with chords and melodies tomorrow Saturday.
Mayor José Ballesta reported today that "for this edition we have 20% more participants than last year, accounting for up to 450 people playing in different places."
In addition, this year there will be performances next to the pianos, such as a tango show, a dramatization of the Ditirambo choir, the performance of the Zarzuela de Algezares group, a special piano concert for the left hand only, a violin and piano group , singer-songwriters, etc.
'Pianos en la calle' coincides with the IV Clamo Region of Murcia International Competition, in which 24 professional pianists from 14 countries participate, and which was presented this morning at the Plaza Romea.
The professional contest that hosts the Víctor Villegas Auditorium, which has become a reference worldwide, begins this afternoon and lasts until Sunday.
It is organized by Clamo in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, and interpreters from Italy, Japan, Norway, China, Greece, Germany, Russia, Macedonia, the United States and the Czech Republic, among others, participate.
Murcian virtuosity at street level
The music will start tomorrow at 11.00 and will continue until 8.30 pm in the open program.
The inscriptions via web are already closed, but people who want to participate at the last minute can approach the squares and see the time available to play.
"Big and old, professionals and amateurs can participate.
The only requirement is to feel true passion for music, "said the mayor, who added that" it is an event framed in the celebrations of the Day of the City of Murcia, which is commemorated on May 14. "
The professional pianists who participate in the Clamo International Competition will put the final culmination to the day, with open-air concerts starting at 9:30 p.m. in the Plaza Belluga, in Santo Domingo and in the Molinos del Río.
Specifically, 11 pianos will be installed between six emblematic spaces in the historic center of Murcia: Cardenal Belluga Square, Santo Domingo Square, Molinos del Río, Verónicas Wall, Plaza Santa Eulalia and Plaza Julián Romea, which will be the area intended for children.
Little pianists in Romea Square
The Plaza del Romea will be the area for children, where mini pianos will be placed and there will be workshops for children taught by the Murcian company Klavier.
In the Plaza Belluga, two giant screens will be installed so that the spectators have a better view of the concerts.
There will be the already famous white grand piano that Elton John used on one of his tours, which has been renewed by Klavier.
In particular, the 11 instruments that will fill the streets of Murcia with chords are two large queues, three half-tails, three children's pianos, a wall-mounted piano and two digital ones, which are new this year.
Photo contest
Among the activities organized on the occasion of this event will be a photo contest open to the public in which anyone can participate, either with a mobile phone, a professional camera or any other type of camera.
The winner will be awarded with a Pianova P-145C digital piano.
The activity Pianos on the Street is organized thanks to the collaboration between the City of Murcia, the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Klavier, Clamo, Iberpiano, Ferrovial Services and the Association of Amateur Photographers of Murcia.
The activity of the day, as well as the photos and videos of the event, can be followed through the account @culturamurcia with the hashtag #PianosenlaCalleMurcia.
More information about the event can be found on the website
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia