The project 'Guided tours Plural Feminine' celebrates this Saturday a new route, organized by the Department of Social Rights and Development Cooperation, which aims to rescue the historical relevance of women who over the centuries have achieved relevance for their life or performances in our city.
In this case we analyze the case of Juana Manuel, daughter of Don Juan Manuel, who would arrive at Reina through her marriage with Enrique II, and who will be the guiding thread of this visit in which women will be shown as patrons of the art and as promoters of culture and its reflection in the factory of the Cathedral.
On this occasion, the meeting point will be Plaza Hernández Amores (Plaza de la Cruz), followed by an exterior tour of the Cathedral of Murcia.
For one hour you can learn about the heritage from a new, more plural perspective, by making visible the contribution and trajectory of the lives of the women who lived in our city.
Like the previous three celebrated in this 2018, the appointment is part of the tours prepared for the second edition of the project that the Department of Social Rights organized in collaboration with the Museum of the city with the aim of expanding and making visible the contribution that women they have done at the economic, social or political level throughout our historical past, using for that the cultural resources of the municipality.
The project, of informative nature, is not exclusively aimed at women, but its interest lies in showing the general public the feminine perspective from the point of view of the history and heritage of the neighborhoods of Murcia and its districts.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia