The Councilor for Social Rights and Development Cooperation of the City of Murcia, Conchita Ruiz, responded this morning to the councilor of the socialist municipal group, Begoña García Retegui that "at the beginning of next week all the groups of the opposition to present the full document of the Municipal Plan of Universal Accessibility of the City of Murcia that is being prepared. "
The councilor explained that "the document is the result of a long process of work and participation of all municipal services, since it is not a mere declaration of intentions, it is a Plan that includes a large number of actions that favor the total accessibility of all citizens of the municipality and that includes actions, not only in the area of ​​construction and transport, but covers the set of areas that are affected by universal accessibility. "
For this reason, the complete document will be transferred to the groups so that they can make their contributions and proposals, after which the process of the process for its final approval will begin.
The elaboration of the Plan, concluded Conchita Ruiz, "has been carried out in collaboration with the disability entities of the municipality of Murcia and before the start of its approval the contributions made by the CERMI will be incorporated".
Source: PP Murcia