The Knowledge Foundation and Development (CYD) ranking, which evaluates the quality of Spanish universities, confirms once again the quality of the actions of the Catholic University in its work to strengthen the university-company partnership from research and cooperation between both sectors in the Region of Murcia.
CYD also stands out for its quality the Engineering degrees in Telecommunications Systems, Civil Engineering and ADE of the Catholic University of Murcia and the ability of this institution to attract students from all over Spain and internationally for their undergraduate and master's degrees
A new report of the study of Spanish universities, prepared by the Knowledge and Development Foundation (CyD), highlights strengths of the UCAM as its contribution to regional development, research carried out with companies (more than a hundred agreements with companies of all types) and the attraction of students from all over Spain and more than one hundred countries to study their undergraduate and master's degrees, also highlighting their international training offer with their qualifications in other languages.
The rector, Josefina García Lozano, has indicated that "the UCAM has become a pole of attraction for students from all over the world, who trust our University as the ideal place for their training and contribute to generating wealth for the entire Region of Murcia "
Among the analyzed data, obtained from official sources of the Ministry and the University itself, the volume of foreign language degrees, the rate of graduate and master's degrees and the artistic and cultural production carried out by the UCAM have also been positively valued.
The CYD ranking is the Spanish interlocutor for the European U-Multirank, where the UCAM has obtained great results in areas such as ADE, Civil Engineering, Telecommunications, Information Technology, Psychology and Medicine, some of them considered the best valued in Spain.
Particularly noteworthy are the criteria evaluated in the field of teaching and learning in the undergraduate and master's degrees in Business Administration and Management (ADE), valued in the latest edition very positively by the ratio of students per teacher (small groups) and supervised internships in companies.
Another fact that the study values ​​positively of ADE of the UCAM is its international vocation, which is explained by the presence of more than two thousand foreign students from five continents and participation in international research projects of high prestige, as in the Life or H2020 calls.
In Telecommunication Systems Engineering (Teleco), we remind you that the ratio of the classrooms (students per teacher) is also indicated, guarantee for a more personalized and higher quality teaching, something that also happens in the Degree in Computing.
In this sense, undergraduate and postgraduate studies related to Civil Engineering, CYD highlights its rate of return and also the fact that there are many students from outside the Region of Murcia.
"Every day we are demonstrating the effort of the UCAM to improve in all areas, academic, sports and research, in what has grown exponentially in recent years." Results as published by the Knowledge and Development Foundation and the organization international U-Multirank, encourage us to continue growing and position ourselves in the top positions in Spain "said the Rector, Josefina García Lozano.
Source: UCAM