The Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) has presented today to the various political groups of the City of Murcia the environmental monitoring work and analysis of municipal planning that has made its Urban Research Laboratory.
The urban report, which analyzes 885 million square meters in 1,674 pages, has been prepared in the last fifteen months by a team of more than twenty technicians in planning, cartography and environment, under an agreement signed by the Polytechnic and the Murcia Consistory.
"The vocation of the UPCT is to put its human, scientific and technological capital at the service of society, especially in this case when it is a matter of as much general interest as the evaluation and diagnosis of a General Urban Plan", the rector, Alejandro Díaz, has highlighted.
"Now it is up to society to analyze the results of this research and, where appropriate, use them to define the new urban model of the municipality of Murcia for the coming decades.
Undoubtedly, all the information that is going to be known today, is essential to order and plan the best way for the future of this municipality, "added the rector.
"The Urban Research Laboratory is at the service of public administrations and citizens for the realization of urban and territorial studies", explained the head of this R & D group, Marcos Ros.
The collaboration with the Murcia Consistory has been replicated by other municipalities of the Region that have signed agreements with the UPCT and its Urban Research Laboratory for the urban analysis of the municipalities of Mula, Fuente Álamo and Lorca.
These agreements also serve to increase the training activity of the UPCT, given that four students of the last year of the degree in Architecture have been able to enjoy a 12-month research initiation scholarship.
"What has allowed them to face the end of their university degree with a training complement of the highest quality," said the rector.
Source: UPCT