On 7 and 8 May 2018, the University of Murcia (UMU) organizes its X Training Week for administration and services staff within the framework of the Erasmus + Program, in which 54 representatives from 41 universities from around the world participate.
The objective of these conferences is to give visibility among the partners to the management carried out in the UMU, being also an opportunity to learn by sharing good practices.
This year is celebrated jointly with the ERACON 2018 Congress of the Association of European Erasmus Coordinators that hosts the UMU from May 8 to 11, with about 350 participants from more than 50 countries, and which will have special activities for the celebration of the Day of Europe on Thursday 10.
The program of activities of this week of training, which will be carried out in different centers of the Espinardo Campus, includes sessions to present the services of the UMU's International Relations Department, presentation of proposals for joint work, presentation of projects of interest for the members involved in this activity and discussions on work networks to promote the processes of internationalization of universities.
In addition, the facilities of the Sustainable Campus, the General Library, the Archive of Ancient Books and the Optics Laboratory will be visited.
Through the agreements signed with European partners and from other continents by the Erasmus + International Mobility action (erasmusmi.um.es), in this edition universities from 27 different countries participate: Germany, Angola, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, China, Cyprus, Costa Rica, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Slovenia, France, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Czech Republic, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, Tunisia and Vietnam.
You can find all the information of the International Erasmus Week 2018 in:
Source: Universidad de Murcia