The councilman of Finance has presented the draft budget project, amounting to 418 million euros.
Along with the decentralization of spending, the social nature of the accounts stands out, with a growth of 11.4 million in subsidies and protection programs for the most vulnerable groups, the elderly, children at risk of exclusion and for meeting the needs basic of families.
The strategic projects receive a definite boost: Murcia Río adds four actions and continues the execution of other relevant works, such as the recovery of San Esteban, rehabilitation of the Old Prison, remodeling of Alfonso X and burial.
The draft of the Budget project of 2018 presented today by the Councilor for Finance, Contracting and Urban Mobility, Eduardo Martínez-Oliva, consolidates the districts as the fundamental and priority destination of the expenditure that the City of Murcia will carry out this year.
This is one of the aspects that most define these accounts, along with its eminently social nature and the definitive impulse to the strategic projects that are making a new city model a reality: Murcia Río adds four more actions and continues the execution of other relevant works , as the recovery of San Esteban and its surroundings, the rehabilitation of the Old Prison, the remodeling of Alfonso X and the burial of the roads.
The decentralized sense of the accounts is verified according to the magnitudes that will be invested in the districts.
In total, € 55.1 million, of which € 17.5 million will be directly or indirectly managed;
13.4 M € is the amount of maintenance expenses (not including doctor's offices, cultural centers, senior centers, schools, supply centers, etc.);
22.2 M € will be invested by the different councils;
1.8M € are financed by the works and services plan of the Autonomous Community.
These items include another € 14M that make up the extraordinary plan included in the 2017 budgets but whose projects will be executed now, which brings the total amount of spending in neighborhoods and districts to 69.1 M €.
According to the proposal sent this morning by Martínez-Oliva to the opposition groups, the City of Murcia will manage in 2018 a budget of 418,652,445 euros, 10.2 million more than this year, of which 37.7M € will be allocated to investments, 975,000 euros more than in 2017.
Budget for the welfare of people
Together with the districts, the second quality that defines the preliminary draft is the relevance of social spending, a circumstance that is evident both in the items destined to subsidies and transfers, which grow by 10%, to € 6.2M, as in the expenses of the care programs for the elderly, minors at risk of exclusion, women and families, which increase by € 3.6 to € 12.3M.
These funds will make it possible to meet the basic needs of citizens in vulnerable situations, as well as develop social intervention plans in Cabezo de Torres and La Paz, increase the number of home help and promote the measures of the Equality of Opportunities, Accessibility plans Universal and Comprehensive Plan for Children, among other programs.
The owner of the area of ​​Finance has highlighted the relevance of investments, which are allocated 39.6 M €, almost 1 million more than in 2017, of which € 24.1 M will be allocated to the districts.
To these funds must be added other actions that are going to be carried out and already have funding.
This is the case of the Old Prison, the 2nd phase of Alfonso X (€ 3.2M), the recovery project of San Esteban and its surroundings and the burial of the railway - the budget includes € 1.2m but other € 3.6m are incorporated corresponding to the contribution of the participative loan-.
The consigned investments will allow the promotion of actions related to two strategic projects of this Corporation: Murcia Río and the Huerta Action Plan.
In the first one, where fundamental works such as the Cuatro Piedras and Alameda gardens are currently being executed and, in the recruitment phase, the new Fluvial Promenade, in 2008 other initiatives will be added such as the adaptation of the river mote in its right margin as recreational use -552,000 €-, the planting of plant species -500,000 €-, the Terrazas del Segura project -new access to the river from the Plaza de Cruz Roja, 2.1M €- or the rehabilitation of the Paseo del Malecon and Botanical Garden -450.000 € -.
As for the Plan of Action of the Huerta, the budget foresees allocate € 680,000 to continue the rehabilitation and recovery of historical and cultural heritage, the adaptation of roads and paths and the realization of archaeological studies.
Renovation of green areas in districts
Likewise, the draft of the preliminary draft denotes a relevant role to the investments in parks and gardens, which add a total amount of € 6 million.
Among other works, it is planned to develop with these funds actions such as the creation of shadow areas in children's games, remodeling of gardens in the neighborhood of La Paz and construction and renovation of new green areas in districts.
Other significant investments are the rehabilitation and improvement of supply plazas -360,000 €-, construction of the new Local Police Barracks in Espinardo -360,000 €, office in Javalí Nuevo -300,000 €, in addition to the contribution of the Autonomous Community-, rehabilitation of the Palacio de Deportes -600.000 € -, new lecture of FICA -320.000 € -, remodeling of centers of major -700.000 € -, repairs in schools -1 M € -, conditioning and equipment of study rooms and libraries -500.000 € - and rehabilitation and replacement of historic-artistic real estate -350,000 €.
Five years reducing taxes
In terms of income, the draft submitted by the councilor of the Treasury registers an increase of € 10.2 million as a result of the contribution by the Autonomous Community of € 7 million of the Coastal construction agreement and the increase of € 1.6 million. of participation in state taxes.
Martínez-Oliva recalled that "for the fifth consecutive year we continue to reduce taxes, fees and public prices, to the point that our tax burden is the same as in 2013, without having even passed the CPI, rather on the contrary, since we have reduced the IBI, opening licenses, fords, markets and pool prices, among others. '
On the other hand, the similar increase in expenses is a consequence of the increase in the Personnel chapter, which rises 7.6M € and stands at 131 M € and current transfers, among which are aid to businesses affected by the burial works and the creation of a special transport service or social services programs, whose spending increases € 570,000 to reach € 6.2 million.
With regard to Personnel, the 6.1% increase in spending is due to the following concepts:
- Incorporation of various services to the Special Dedication and Special Availability regime, at a cost of € 1M
- Increase of 1.5% in remuneration through the Law of State Budgets, with an estimated cost of 1.8 M €
- Additional cost of Social Security as a result of the reduction of the age of retirement of Local Police, with an estimated cost of 1 M €
- Incorporation of the 30 fire stations with an estimated cost of € 650,000
- Provision of municipal services that had been provided by companies, with an estimated cost of € 2M
With this budget proposal, the impact of total spending per inhabitant will amount to € 936, while the income obtained from the payment of direct, indirect taxes and fees will be 521 euros per inhabitant.
Martínez-Oliva has reiterated his willingness to study any contribution from the rest of the municipal groups, with which he will begin to negotiate the accounts immediately, and he has trusted to be able to reach a consensus that allows to approve the budgets.
Until then, those of the last year will be extended, although this will not affect the normal functioning of the City Council.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia