In the `Explorer Day 2018`, held a few days ago in Burgos, the student of the UMU Manuel Lora was among the three best pitch elevator of all the teams that follow the explorer program of training and advice to students with ideas to develop business initiatives .
`Explorer Day` is an annual event that brings together the largest university entrepreneurship community every year.
This year the eighth edition was celebrated, in which more than 700 entrepreneurs, coordinators and experts from innovation, technology and the business world have gathered.
After competing in the challenge 10UpCorners, a market of ideas in which diezexplorersexposed their project in order to obtain fictitious funding from the attendees, Manuel Lora was positioned among the three best projects to move to the final phase of the final pitch, where he finished second.
Her project, 'Canine Foods', uses multiple intelligences of the animal world to help children with attention problems.
The'Explorer Space' of the University of Murcia is managed by the Entrepreneurship Room of the Vice-Rector for Employment, Entrepreneurship and Society.
Source: Universidad de Murcia