Registered unemployment has fallen in Murcia last month by 3.44% in relation to the same month of the previous year.
Thus, while the number of unemployed stood at April 2017 at 33,113, last month this figure has decreased to 32,074 people.
Likewise, this registry is the lowest of 2018 since in January there were 32,784 unemployed, on February 33,089 and on March 32,767.
Carrying out a more detailed analysis by groups all of them, especially among people between 25 and 44 years, who registered a decrease of 4.9% (737 people) and in the group of people over 45, with a decrease of 5, 78% (377 people).
By sex, the decrease in registered unemployment has occurred in both, being more pronounced in the case of men, whose decrease is 5.19% (717), while in the case of women is 1.77 % (322).
The Councilor for Economic Promotion, Culture and European Programs, Jesús Pacheco, has indicated that "these data encourage us to continue working on the same path, encouraging the creation of stable and quality employment and advising new entrepreneurs".
Pacheco explained that "we have been betting on the creation of new programs, new lines of subsidies and other actions that seek to promote the generation of employment and consolidate the companies of the municipality and train those who already work or who have lost their jobs so that can recover. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia