The IES Sabina Mora of the Murcia district of Roldán participates in the European project 'European citizenship: shaping a transnational identity', an internalization project whose main objective is to put together good practices in different countries to adapt them to the participating centers ", explained the general director of Youth, Francisco Sánchez, during the presentation of the project that was carried out in the Young Art Laboratory LAB.
The presentation was attended by the director of the institute, Antonio Vicente Buendía, and more than 40 young people from the different countries participating in the project.
35 students and 15 teachers participate in the Murcian institute.
The IES Sabina Mora participates in this initiative together with five other educational centers in different European countries (Finland, Germany, Croatia, Estonia and Hungary).
The project will be developed over three years, different joint activities are planned between the centers and a trip of students and teachers to each participating country during a week, except for Germany, country to which two mobilities will be carried out as the coordinating center.
Source: CARM