The City of Murcia has set up the Permanent Contracting Committee and has held its first electronic Contracting Committee.
Thus, in accordance with the provisions of the new Law 9/2017, of November 8, on Contracts of the Public Sector, the new composition of the Board is constituted by the Councilor for Finance, Contracting and Urban Mobility, Eduardo Martínez-Oliva, as president, and by representatives of the Municipal Legal Services, of General Intervention, of the Municipal Socialist Group, of the Service of Contracting, Supplies and Patrimonial Responsibility like vowels.
Likewise, the Contracting Committee has eliminated the paper and tenders from tenders will be studied from now on in electronic format, with the exception of those tenders that have not yet completed their processing with the previous regulations.
The first files whose technical documentation has been verified electronically have been the Fluvial Walk of 'Murcia River' and the summer camps.
Councilman Eduardo Martínez-Oliva explained that "the Platform for Electronic Tendering of the City of Murcia is a measure that helps to promote the concurrence of offers and guarantee freedom of access to bids, advertising and transparency in contracts, in order to encourage competition and greater participation in these procedures.The City of Murcia through this platform streamlines internal management and facilitates administrative procedures.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia