Taking as example three rare diseases of which there are cases in the Region of Murcia, Ciencia en Corto introduces us to these pathologies, considered to be so because they affect less than 5 out of every 10,000 inhabitants.
According to the WHO, more than 6,000 rare diseases are known and in Spain there are more than 3,000,000 people affected by any of them.
The strength of patients and relatives has caused that in recent times these conditions are better known and there is a greater social awareness in this regard.
Researchers continue to make efforts to solve these anomalies and for this it is necessary to bet on the financing of projects that seek to give answers to the unknowns that hide rare diseases.
Ciencia en Corto is an audiovisual project in which the UCC UCC tries to demystify some of the erroneous beliefs about science.
Video of Rare Diseases:
Source: Universidad de Murcia