It is a project of urban, artistic and social activation involving 800 schoolchildren, along with a hundred scouts and another hundred associates from different groups.
The ultimate goal is to reinforce the identity of the district's neighbors and the sense of unity of the three neighborhoods, which have common roots.
Among the actions that are proposed, whose first phase will take place next week, there is a mapping channel;
wall paintings and bollards;
and artistic streets and shops, with the installation of masts and mailboxes in a hundred establishments.
Belén, Vistalegre and La Flota are Neighborhoods with Art.
To deepen in this, until September a project of urban, artistic and pioneering social activation will be developed, designed by the residents of the district, both through the different citizen associations and in a personal capacity.
Art is the trigger of the initiative and triggers actions aimed at activating the environment.
The objective is to reinforce the identity of the residents and the sense of unity of the three neighborhoods that form it, achieving a capacity of attraction over the rest of the city.
For this, it is necessary that they are first attractive to their own neighbors, promoting a sense of belonging, rooted in the place, its culture and its roots.
The project 'Barrios con Arte' has been presented today by its promoters, Juan Antonio Robles Díaz (director of the initiative);
Donato Martínez Piña, Isabel Cortés and Miguel Ángel Marín Yago (co-directors).
The latter, from EMA Arquitectos, has presented the work of the children of the school regarding mailboxes and murals;
Sonia de la Iglesia García, designer of the poster of the activities;
Carmen Santa-Cruz García and Javier Esquiva López, architects responsible for the Mapping Channel.
Víctor Ruiz Iranzo, president of the La Flota Vistalegre District Board and board member Lola María González Mover, also attended.
They have also accompanied the act;
Juan Pedro García Pujante from Ampa de Fuente Blanca, Fernando Roca Marín from La Peña el Zaragüel, Santiago Vera Castillo, president of ACOVISBE, and Juan Montesinos, from the Vistalegre Neighborhood Association.
Councilors Rebeca Pérez, responsible for Infrastructure, Public Works and Services and Jesús Pacheco, for Economic Promotion, Culture and European Programs, together with representatives of the socialist and Citizen groups, attended.
From the neighbors, for their neighborhoods
Indeed, a fundamental element to ensure the success of the initiative is citizen participation.
In this regard, it should be noted that ACOVISBE merchants associations are involved in Vistalegre and Belén, ACF in the Fleet, Art School, peña huertana El Zaragüel, women's center, neighborhood associations of Vistalegre and la Flota, scout group of Vistalegre 452, architects, painters, professional designers and most of AMPAS and district schools.
On the other hand, a score of children from the school Ntra. Sra. De la Arrixaca of the class of 5 years have presented a 2.5 meter mural made by themselves together with their classmates of 3 and 4 years.
The work has been selected as one of the murals that will be represented on the street.
The common thread will be art, as the basis of the identity of the population, and roots, as a common link between Belén, Vistalegre and La Flota.
They are irrigated roots, since the three share a common irrigation network;
of education, culture and art, since in them predominates a tradition of quality education, with emblematic and newly created schools and training schools (art and design).
In this sense, Juan Antonio Robles, director of the project, has pointed out that "the basis of the idea arises from the need for culture to be democratic in our district, for all.
We do not want to be recipients of resources raised by professionals, but to go a step further, involving neighbors and children who were previously spectators and from now on become producers of culture.
Miguel Ángel Marín, co-director and manager of EMA Arquitectos has highlighted that 'the technicians that collaborate in this project do it mainly as parents and as neighbors of the neighborhood, supporting with our knowledge the initiatives of the different groups.
One of the objectives of 'Barrios con arte' is not that we are distinguished from others by our artistic contribution, but rather that there is an awakening and an interest for the inhabitants to live in a more pleasant environment '.
"Neighborhoods with Art" - BioDistritoCultural
The essence of the project arises from the need for neighbors and schoolchildren to stop being spectators and become producers of culture, making the field a Cultural BioDistrict.
Thus, it is bio, because it is proposed to consider nature as the basis of action;
it is a district, because they are a very important residential, commercial and lung area of ​​the city;
and it is cultural, because art and culture serve as a trigger to improve the quality of life of neighbors.
Three phases starting next week
The different actions of the plan will be carried out in three phases.
The first one, 'Know your surroundings, paint and decorate your neighborhood', will take place on Sunday the 13th. There will be three interventions on that day of coexistence:
- Wall paintings and bollards: with the direction of the School of Art, in wastebaskets of more than 20 years and decoration of trees with sock.
- Artistic streets and shops, by installing flags on the masts of a hundred shops with the phrase 'Artistic Cultural District' and opinion boxes manufactured by schoolchildren.
- Mapping Channel: Know your environment, irrigation and nature, through workshops on interpretation of historical, environmental, geographical and toponymic values ​​of the irrigation system of the garden present in the district: Acequia Casteliche, Azarbe de Papel and Azarbe Mayor from North.
On May 26, the second phase will be held, which will consist of:
- Printer Channel: visualization workshops and physical layout of the irrigation system of the Huerta de Murcia in the district.
- Autoselfies mirrors, with 'phrases to take' and 'photographs and illustrations in the shop windows' of the shops.
- Twenty-year-old bins and banks, to gain eye candy, beauty and public utility.
- Painting of soil: in the garden Isidoro Valcárcel, representing ditches with its native flora and fauna
In September the third phase will come in the form of '2nd great coexistence'.
By then it has been programmed:
- Pieces of Art: artistic pieces that act as vertical gardens will be designed.
- Signage of Actions, with the participation of district schoolchildren and their families
- Workshops on the biodiversity of the district, with the collaboration of AMPAS
- Workshops and talks: 'Community Theater Assembly Workshop', 'Workshop Art and Women', 'Talk Art as an expression of the deepest thoughts'
- Web / mobile visualization and georeferencing
- Urban furniture transformation
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia