The Department of Safety and Traffic has launched a new campaign aimed particularly at local police the largest in the municipality.
This initiative, which begins tomorrow, is the visit by the local police officers, 76 senior centers in the municipality.
They set up a meeting with elders to discuss the different tips that are offered to prevent crime, both on the street at home.
Also be offered new information about road safety, public transport and prevention against scams and fraud.
You have published a total of 10,000 brochures that include all these tips to be shared by all senior centers.
What is sought with this new campaign is to prevent major theft with self-protection measures and thus reduce the risk of being victims of crime.
The tips are:
How to prevent street crimes
• Do not carry large sums of money.
• Try to carry only a small purse with money and credit cards you need.
• Keep your purse or wallet in the inside pocket of your jacket or in front of his pants.
• Do not display cash or other tempting targets like expensive jewelry.
• Take only what is absolutely necessary.
• Use the "support system" and walk in pairs or groups whenever possible.
• Stay alert and aware of your surroundings.
• Try to walk with confidence and a relaxed manner.
• Walk on well lit streets and people.
Stay away from alleys or construction sites empty.
• Trust your instincts.
If you feel uncomfortable or uneasy in a place or situation, leave.
• Make sure someone knows where you are going and when you expect to return.
• If attacked, turn in your purse or wallet.
Do not risk your personal safety for material loss.
How to prevent crimes at home
• Keep doors and windows locked at all times.
• All exterior doors should be equipped with a pin and 180-degree peephole.
• Install extra locks on all windows and sliding glass doors.
• Never enter your home to strangers who are presented as personal business without checking their identification.
Call the company if not sure or safe.
• Do not allow people at home that arise from family members without having announced his visit even mention their name.
• Hang up immediately if you receive harassing or obscene telephone calls.
If the caller persists, call the police and telephone company.
• Do not keep large sums of money at home.
Road safety
• Cross whenever possible for pedestrian crossings regulated by traffic lights or zebra crossings.
• Be wary if your light is green.
• Make sure you can cross safely
• Do not hesitate to cross time, your question may cause the accident.
• Do not force another person to ever cross pulling.
• Try to cross the street by the most enlightened.
• Do not cross between parked cars or never arrested, or in front of buses or trucks.
Public transport
• Hop on and off the bus when it is fully stopped.
• Do not stay asleep.
Stay alert
• Always hold your packages.
• While riding the bus or tram, sit near the driver if possible.
• Watch who raise or lower the bus or tram you.
If you feel uneasy or restless walk directly to a place where other people.
For your own protection
• Do not disclose any information about yourself to people or businesses that do not know well.
• Do not provide any details about their credit cards or bank accounts to be asked by telephone.
• Do not provide credit cards, checkbooks, or passbook savings accounts to individuals involved in your care.
• Be suspicious of anyone who offers the possibility of a quick and easy wealth, may be a scam.
However, if this happens, report it.
It can be embarrassing for the victim of the scam, but the only way to identify the perpetrator of the fraud and prevent others from falling in the same way it is communicated to the police.
The most common offenses carried the elderly are:
- On the Street: Larceny in urban and neglect against windows or shops.
Steals per pull, with intimidation or exiting a bank.
Scams like tocomocho or prayer card.
- At home: Theft By accessing any excuse, such as selling lottery, begging ...
Scams to access housing on the grounds that they are social services or any company for water, electricity, gas ...
- By public transport: Theft by carelessness or boobies.
During these months of 2010 there have been 12 assaults on elderly
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia