Students 3 and 4 of the ESO of the IES Beniaján, Ingeniero de la Cierva (Patiño) and Monte Miravete (Torreagüera) participated this morning in the first 'Mini-market' created within the project Young Enterprise European plan Emprendemos Region Murcia.
The initiative involving 27 HEIs across the region with 37 cooperatives.
The Councillor for Education and Youth, María Dolores Sánchez, visited this morning, along with the Directors and Salvador Marín Sotoca Constantine, the market held in the Plaza de Santo Domingo in which young people have sold their products.
Students of the three HEIs in the municipality have created their mini-businesses and have established relationships with other companies of the same type created in other Spanish and foreign schools.
This project aims to make students take charge of their own learning by encouraging active citizens and people with entrepreneurial spirit who are able to generate ideas and transform them into action.
And to promote entrepreneurial skills among young people.
Students were administered and managed by your company in the legal form of cooperatives, obtain information from commercial to create a catalog of products they want to sell, use new technologies to communicate with other companies using commercial documentation (orders, invoices, delivery notes , etc ...); organize and manage storage operations and products work together and develop social skills.
The Monte Miravete of Torreagüera Desperfollo created the cooperative, the Beniaján IES has been involved with the cooperative 'Enblanco', and the IES Ingeniero de la Cierva (Patiño) has created the cooperative 'Aljuciño'.
This initiative aims to test the feasibility of incorporating this subject and teaching tool in the curriculum of compulsory education.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia