Space Molinos del Rio Stables has begun to project video of Erika Trejo 'Integration of flavors' that seeks coexistence of cultures and gender, through a universal language, the kitchen.
So, show women around the world playing the role assigned in one place, in this case women around the world represented in a specific site, Murcia.
In this video "native or immigrant women the act intimate, private kitchen, which is inserted into one of the pillars of the domestic sphere and as such, the food is being, harmony, because of their condition, joins people from different sites and thus provides a universal language. "
Women, being in charge of the private, make this braid of cultures, in this video - "trying to remove the veil of privacy, making it a performative act that when pronounced makes certain action and exercise a binding power of acts less recognized in society, women's work: cooking for the family. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia